Incy Wincy Spider - Playtime Rhymes
For children from 12 month onwards and their parents
Für Kinder von 1 bis 3 Jahren mit einem Elternteil
Picture books, songs, playtime rhymes, dances, finger-and motion games, conversation, exchange of ideas - all in English. For English native speakers and parents who want to practice, polish up or widen their knowledge of English as well as a get-together with parents from other cultures. The children hear the language and absorb it naturally.
Kursnr.: REPPD135
Kursstart: Di. 08.10.2024 16:30 - 17:30 Uhr
Dauer: 8 Termin(e)
Kursort: EPP_3.5 Gymnastikraum - 2. Stock - Haus 14
Gebühr: 76,00 € 1 Erw. und 1 Kind
Bitte mitbringen: Kuscheltier